
General & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, including hernia repair, gallbladder surgery and colorectal surgery, as well as breast surgery located in Lithonia and Decatur, GA

Hemorrhoids services offered in Decatur, Lithonia, GA

Nearly 50% of adults have hemorrhoids by age 50. If you’re experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids, Luis A. Quinones, MD, and the surgical team at Q&S Surgical in Decatur and Lithonia, Georgia, can help. The practice specializes in the removal of hemorrhoids and treatment of other perineal conditions, such as anal abscesses, fistulas, and pilonidal disease. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that form in the lower rectum and anus. They’re common in both men and women and can develop inside or outside the anus. While hemorrhoids often cause no symptoms and resolve on their own, they can be uncomfortable. Strain and pressure can irritate hemorrhoids and worsen their symptoms.

At Q&S Surgical, Dr. Quinones and the surgical team offer many treatments to remove hemorrhoids and minimize their symptoms.

Are there different types of hemorrhoids?

There are several different types of hemorrhoids, but the most common are:

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. While they rarely cause noticeable symptoms, you may experience painless bleeding during bowel movements.

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids appear on the skin surrounding your anus. They can cause itching, bleeding, pain, swelling, and general discomfort.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids

A thrombosed hemorrhoid occurs when an external hemorrhoid forms a blood clot. It can cause severe pain and swelling and lead to a hard lump forming near the anus.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Most hemorrhoids resolve on their own. Others respond well to over-the-counter (OTC) ointments and other home remedies. If you frequently get hemorrhoids, certain lifestyle changes, such as exercise and a high-fiber diet, can reduce recurrences.

If your hemorrhoids persist, Dr. Quinones and the team may recommend the following:


If conservative approaches fail, surgery may be necessary. A hemorrhoidectomy involves removing the bulging blood vessels through small, narrow incisions.

Are there any conditions that mimic hemorrhoids?

Anal abscesses

Anal abscesses are painful pus-filled sacs that form around the anus or rectum. They usually occur when your anal glands become blocked or infected. Along with severe pain, these abscesses can cause constipation and fever.

Pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease causes a cyst to form in the center of the tailbone. The skin may be red, swollen, and tender. The team may recommend draining or surgically removing the cyst to relieve your discomfort.


An anal fistula is an infected tunnel that can form inside the anus, causing pain, swelling, and rectal bleeding.

Contact Q&S Surgical by phone today or book an appointment online for comprehensive hemorrhoid care.